In order to push myself to write a blog about cooking/baking I decided I needed to expand my horizons; I needed to reach out to these types of communities for inspiration. That first oomph of inspiration came from The Great Food Blogger Cookie Swap.
Now that the details are out of the way let me tell you about the cookies. I chose to make my (grand?)mother's macroonis. I don't know exactly where in the family tree this recipe came from, but I do know that from a very young age these have been my favorite cookies. And that is saying a lot from a girl who loves cookies.
What is a macrooni?
Every single time I get asked this question I kind of freeze up during my response.
Q: "What exactly is a macrooni?"
A: "Awesome. Next question."
Really though, macroonis are coconut, chocolatey, orange bliss. And lucky for you I am obligated herein to provide you with the recipe.
The recipe.
- 4 eggs
- 1 cup sugar
- 2 tbsp melted butter
- 2 tsp orange zest
- 2 tsp vanilla
- 1 tsp orange extract (optional)
- 4 cups sweetened coconut
- 1 1/2 cup flour
- 12 oz. chocolate chips
Be careful to not overmix the cookies otherwise they will spread out and lose their shape.
- Preheat your oven to 375°.
- Quickly mix the eggs, sugar, melted butter, zest vanilla, and orange extract.
- Fold in the coconut.
- Fold in the flour.
- Stir in the chocolate chips.
- Drop by rounded tbsp onto a greased (or lined with parchment paper) cookie sheet.
- Bake for 11-14 minutes. The edges of the coconut should be lightly browned but the centers should still look soft.
- Cool on the cookie sheet for 10 minutes.
- Eat warm, or allow to cool the rest of the way and store in an airtight container for up to a week.
I know I said I'd post a Thanksgiving post, but my life has been very...chaotic as of late, and I was unable to devote the proper time to get together a post worth reading. Attempting to actually have totally put together posts each week(ish) instead of constant half-assery.
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